What you will learn
Self Paced online learning Program
Valuable Degree Certification
Low Tuition & Easy learning
Unlimited Access to Resources
Available in F2F & Online
Program is Available in 23 Languages
Bristol Online programs based on F2F programs and credits, there is no differences between online and f2f program degree’s value and all credits are same, we try to make a simulator platform for better learning process on every courses and happily there is no limitation for learning online , this is the future of learning …
The Bristol university admire online programs cause we know this is the next generation of learning that make everything easier and more comfortable for students, we tried to make a best atmosphere for talented student all over the world for better and unlimited access to a full academic knowledge in a specific root and earning a valuable degree to start or improve career in any age anywhere.
You will learn how individuals (households and firms) make decisions, how they interact in markets and how government policy affects economic activity.
At the University of Bristol, over 400 undergraduate students are currently majoring in economics, acquiring fascinating and useful knowledge in areas such as government regulation, development economics, household finance, economic data analysis, health economics and labor economics. Firms consistently tell us that they like hiring our economics majors because they “know how to think about complex issues.”
Earn either a bachelor of science (B.S.) or a bachelor of arts (B.A.) degree in economics depending on your strengths in mathematics and quantitative skills (B.S.) or foreign language (B.A.).
Program Highlights
Research Opportunities
Economics research opportunities are available during the summer and academic year. Summer research programs are a very good stepping stone to a successful senior thesis or project. More details are available at the Undergraduate Research Program website.
Honors in Economics
The honors program at UD offers a scholarly and enriching community that extends well beyond graduation. You’ll enjoy smaller, more challenging classes and the opportunity to engage in research and assume leadership roles.
The honors degree requires:
1. All requirements for the B.A. or B.S. in economics (B.A. in economics education).
2. All of the University’s generic requirements for the honors baccalaureate degree.
ECON 301 and ECON 304 must be taken in honors sections. Courses in economics at the 600-level or higher may be considered as Honors courses.
STEM OPT Program
The B.S. in economics degree is a STEM-designated degree program and provides international students 24 months of OPT (Optional Practical Training) in addition to the original 12 months. (The B.A. in economics is not STEM-designated.)
Program Requirements
The B.A. and B.S. degrees in economics differ in the quantitative and language requirements:
• B.A. degree students must earn a passing grade in an intermediate level course (107 or 112) offered by the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures. Students with four or more years of high school work in a single foreign language may attempt to fulfill the requirement in that language by taking an exemption examination.
• B.S. degree students do not have a language requirement.
• B.S. degree students are required to demonstrate proficiency in quantitative methods. This involves successfully completing intermediate-level theory courses with calculus (ECON 301 and ECON 304) and an upper level econometrics course (ECON 422). Note: quantitative skills are an important part of more advanced study in economics, and several 400-level courses in economics require calculus.
• B.A. degree students may take intermediate-level theory courses either with calculus (ECON 301 and ECON 304) or without calculus (ECON 300 and ECON 303). An upper-level econometrics course (ECON 422) is recommended but not required.
Sign up for program and start learning , the full tuition of program is 625 pounds .We hope to have you in our program and guide you to your dreamed career .
Available languages
English (Original), Deutsch (Auto), हिन्दी (ऑटो), Русский (авто), Svenska (auto), 한국어 (자동), Ελληνικά (αυτόματο), Português (Brasil) (auto), Italiano (auto), Français (aut.), Magyar (automata), Español (auto), 中文(简体) (自动),فارسی (اتوماتیک), العربية (آلي), ไทย (อัตโนมัติ), Українська (авто), 日本語 (オート), Bahasa Indonesia (otomatis), Polski (automatyczny), Nederlands (auto), Türkçe (otomatik), Қазақша (auto)