What you will learn
Self Paced online learning Program
Valuable Degree Certification
Low Tuition & Easy learning
Unlimited Access to Resources
Available in F2F & Online
Program is Available in 23 Languages
Bristol Online programs based on F2F programs and credits, there is no differences between online and f2f program degree’s value and all credits are same, we try to make a simulator platform for better learning process on every courses and happily there is no limitation for learning online , this is the future of learning …
The Bristol university admire online programs cause we know this is the next generation of learning that make everything easier and more comfortable for students, we tried to make a best atmosphere for talented student all over the world for better and unlimited access to a full academic knowledge in a specific root and earning a valuable degree to start or improve career in any age anywhere.
Curriculum requirements are nearly identical on both campuses. The goal is to prepare students for entry into the civil engineering profession immediately after graduation or to pursue graduate-level studies.
The general educational objectives of the University of Bristol–Engineering Department civil engineering undergraduate program are to prepare our graduates so that, with a University of Bristol–Engineering Department BSCE degree, a few years beyond graduation, alumni will:
Be employed in civil and environmental engineering or a closely related field; or, graduates will be pursuing an advanced degree in civil and environmental engineering or a closely related field.
Contribute to society and address societal and environmental needs through engagement in professional, community, or service organizations.
Agree that the civil engineering program prepared them for success in their careers in terms of knowledge and skillsets as embodied in the program and the Complete Engineer ™ Initiative.
As a professional discipline, civil engineering is closely related to the total human environment. In all professional endeavors, the civil engineer must consider ecological effects as well as the social, economic, and political needs of people. The civil engineer designs systems to control and manage our water resources to provide electric power, agricultural irrigation, flood control, recreation, water supplies, and wastewater treatment systems for our urban and industrial needs.
The civil engineer plans, designs, and constructs our transportation systems—including highways, railroads, waterways, and airports—to connect rural, urban, and industrial areas. The civil engineer also designs and constructs housing and facilities for recreational, industrial, and commercial complexes, which comprise the urban environment. It is the responsibility of civil engineering to minimize air, water, and land pollution and protect the environment.
Instructional emphasis is placed on fundamental engineering principles derived from mathematics, chemistry, physics, and engineering science. These subjects provide a sound background for the subsequent introductory courses in environmental, geotechnical, structural, transportation, and water resources engineering. Students are introduced to design concepts in the freshman year. Design is incorporated throughout the curriculum that culminates in two senior-level courses, CIVE 401 Civil Engineering Design I and CIVE 402 Civil Engineering Design II.
Instructional laboratories in environmental engineering, hydraulics, geotechnical engineering, structures, and surveying provide each student with an opportunity to learn, through individual participation, the operation of the testing equipment used to establish engineering design criteria and to monitor and model engineering facilities such as water and wastewater treatment plants, river control systems, and structural systems.
The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering also offers a major and a minor in Environmental Engineering.
Learning Outcomes
Graduates of the civil engineering program will have:
An ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics.
An ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors.
An ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences.
An ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts.
An ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives.
An ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions.
An ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies.
The above student outcomes have been approved by the ABET Engineering Area Delegation for use beginning with the 2023-24 academic year, and have been adopted by the faculty of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering.
Sign up for program and start learning , the full tuition of program is 625 pounds .We hope to have you in our program and guide you to your dreamed career .
Available languages
English (Original), Deutsch (Auto), हिन्दी (ऑटो), Русский (авто), Svenska (auto), 한국어 (자동), Ελληνικά (αυτόματο), Português (Brasil) (auto), Italiano (auto), Français (aut.), Magyar (automata), Español (auto), 中文(简体) (自动),فارسی (اتوماتیک), العربية (آلي), ไทย (อัตโนมัติ), Українська (авто), 日本語 (オート), Bahasa Indonesia (otomatis), Polski (automatyczny), Nederlands (auto), Türkçe (otomatik), Қазақша (auto)