
Electrical Engineering bachelor's degree

The Bristol Electrical Engineering program provides a foundation for work in the fields of analog and digital electronics, microelectronics, signal processing, communications, power generation, transmission and distribution, electrical machines, computing systems, controls, and general electrical engineering applications. Topics specific to Electrical Engineering are studied in specialized focus areas in the third and fourth years.

What you will learn

  • Self Paced online learning Program

  • Valuable Degree Certification

  • Low Tuition & Easy learning

  • Unlimited Access to Resources

  • Available in F2F & Online

  • Program is Available in 23 Languages

Bristol Online programs based on F2F programs and credits, there is no differences between online and f2f program degree’s value and all credits are same, we try to make a simulator platform for better learning process on every courses and happily there is no limitation for learning online , this is the future of learning …
The Bristol university admire online programs cause we know this is the next generation of learning that make everything easier and more comfortable for students, we tried to make a best atmosphere for talented student all over the world for better and unlimited access to a full academic knowledge in a specific root and earning a valuable degree to start or improve career in any age anywhere.

Electrical engineers are integral to creating the components that power our world. It's a rewarding profession that offers many different specialty options, excellent compensation and exceptional opportunity.

With Bristol Electrical Engineering degree, you'll benefit from a curriculum that provides a strong foundation in traditional and contemporary areas of electrical engineering. You will have opportunities to:

Get the hand-on experience that will develop your ability to identify, formulate and solve electrical engineering problems.
Learn leadership, communication, multidisciplinary teamwork, entrepreneurial and lifelong learning skills necessary for success in a global marketplace.
Gain the problem-solving capabilities and technical skills to practice electrical engineering.
Hands on Electrical Engineering Degree
At Bristol you will have many opportunities to lead through hands-on learning that puts theory into practice. Through your coursework you will participate in hands on labs, internships, and undergraduate research opportunities.

Faculty and staff pride themselves on working directly with students, always lending a hand to ensure you feel welcome and supported in the program. And because of our flexible format, you will be given every opportunity to keep your pursuit of a degree on schedule.

All of your hard work culminates with a senior design project that partners you with industry leaders and business partners that need real-world solutions to their challenges. At graduation you'll have the skills and experience that are needed to be successful in the field. Many of our graduates have job offers upon graduation and many have employment secured prior to leaving Bristol.

Combined Electrical Engineering Degree
Earn your bachelor's degree and master’s degree in Electrical Engineering in less time than it would take to get them separately. With both degrees, you’ll stand out among your peers as you begin your career. The combined program is available online or on-campus.

Sign up for program and start learning , the full tuition of program is 625 pounds .We hope to have you in our program and guide you to your dreamed career .

Available languages

English (Original), Deutsch (Auto), हिन्दी (ऑटो), Русский (авто), Svenska (auto), 한국어 (자동), Ελληνικά (αυτόματο), Português (Brasil) (auto), Italiano (auto), Français (aut.), Magyar (automata), Español (auto), 中文(简体) (自动),فارسی (اتوماتیک), العربية (آلي), ไทย (อัตโนมัติ), Українська (авто), 日本語 (オート), Bahasa Indonesia (otomatis), Polski (automatyczny), Nederlands (auto), Türkçe (otomatik), Қазақша (auto)

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$ 625.00

30.56% off
  • Course Duration is Self Paced
  • Course Level
This Course Includes
  • Video Lectures
  • Quizzes
  • Assignments
  • Downloadable Resources
  • Full Lifetime Access
  • Certificate of Completion