Terms of use for the University of Bristol web presence

These terms apply to the entire content of this website. If you do not accept these terms, please do not use this website. The University of Bristol (the ‘University’) may update these terms from time to time and any changes will be effective immediately on being set out here. Please ensure you are aware of the current terms.


Please note that some areas of the website are available only to the University staff, University students, the University alumni and/or other authorised University users. The use of this website is subject to the University’s Information Security Policies.

All text, images and other content on this website is copyright of the University unless explicitly stated otherwise. You may only download or copy it for the purposes of teaching, administration and research within the University, or for personal, non-commercial use. You are required to seek written permission from the University for any other use or purpose. Contact the page or service owner using the ‘Feedback’ link at the bottom of the page in question in the first instance, otherwise web-editor@bristol.ac.uk.

Without limitation to any matter set out in the University’s policies you must not use this website, and/or any interactive facilities which are available through it to:

  • commit or encourage unlawful acts or in breach of these terms of use;
  • misrepresent your identity;
  • hack, or attempt to hack, any part of the website or any system used to run it;
  • store personal data derived from the website;
  • post material that is obscene, offensive, or otherwise unlawful;
  • technically harm the website and/or its systems (including, without limitation, computer viruses or malicious software or harmful data).

While the University tries to make this website available 24 hours a day, it reserves the right to suspend or withdraw access, without notice, to either the whole or part of the website, for any reason.

Academic Programme Information

The University has tried to ensure that the information on this website for prospective students is correct at the time of publication on the site. However, the University reserves the right for any reason without notice to withdraw or change any of the programmes and/or to alter tuition fees, entry requirements and/or the facilities and/or services available from or provided by or on behalf of the University. You should also note that the choice of subjects may be limited by considerations of timetable, staffing and/or available places on a course.

For further details, please refer to our online undergraduate/postgraduate study pages or contact the relevant faculty office.


While the University tries to ensure that the information on this website is accurate at the time of publication, it does not warrant that this is the case. To the fullest extent permitted by law, the material on this website is provided ‘as is’, and without warranties, conditions or other terms of any kind.

The University permits its students and staff to maintain personal pages on the website. Any views expressed on these pages do not necessarily represent the views of the University.

Nothing on this website constitutes any part of a contract unless otherwise expressly stated.

Any links within this website to third party websites are not checked by the University and the University bears no responsibility for the content of external sites. If you access external sites through this website, you do so at your own risk.


To the fullest extent permitted by law, the University excludes all liability and responsibility for any amount or kind of loss or damage that may result to you or a third party in connection with the use of this website in any way. Nothing will limit the University’s liability for death or personal injury caused by its negligence or for fraud.

Every effort is made to ensure downloadable content is free from viruses. The University accepts no liability for damages resulting from virus infection.

Copyright, trademarks and other intellectual property

Unless stated otherwise, the copyright and other intellectual property rights in all text, images and other material on this website are owned by the University, or its licensors.

The trade marks and logos used and displayed on our website are the University’s registered and unregistered trademarks, or those of others. You may not use these trademarks without our prior written consent, or that of the relevant owner.

Data protection

Please see the University privacy and cookie policy.

Governing law and jurisdiction

These terms of use are governed by English law. Disputes arising in connection with them shall be subject to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.


Please see the University web accessibility policy.

Blog comment moderation house rules

Please see the University of Bristol blog comment moderation house rules.


These terms of use are not intended to, nor shall they confer any benefit on a third party, whether under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 or otherwise.

No waiver by the University of any breach of these terms by you shall be considered as a waiver of any subsequent breach of the same or of any other provision.

Section headings have been included for convenience only and shall not be considered part of, or be used in interpreting, these terms.

If, at any time, any provision of these terms is or becomes invalid or illegal in any respect, such provision shall be deemed to be severed from the terms, but the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions shall not be affected as a result.


Easy Access Root channel

you can easily choose your root to access department ,for more accessibility login to your student area . and use our eServices, first you have to to be sure that you are surfing in correct api address (bristol.university)  ,use blow links safely.

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